Thank you for choosing to use the Dog Breed Selector Tool on your website.
In order to add this free Dog Breed Selector Tool tool to your web site and help your visitors learn which dog breed would suit them the most, just copy the following HTML code and put it in your home page or any other page where you want the Dog Breed Selector Tool tool to appear:
There are 3 ways you can add the Dog Breed Selector Tool to your website
- The Dog Breed Selector Tool will be displayed directly on your site
- There will be a link to the Dog Breed Selector Tool on your site and when someone clicks on the link, a popup containing the Dog Breed Selector Tool will be displayed
- There will be a link to the Dog Breed Selector Tool on your site and when someone clicks on the link, visitors will be sent to our website’s Dog Breed Selector Tool page.
Please choose any one of the above options.
To add the Dog Breed Selector Tool box directly to your site, please copy and paste the following code to your web site:
When you use the above code, this is how your page will appear:
To add a Dog Breed Selector Tool link to your website and have it open the Dog Breed Selector Tool in a popup window, please copy and paste the following code to your web site:
When you use the above code, this is how your page will appear:
To add a Breed Selector Tool link to your website and send your visitors to our web site's Dog Breed Selector Tool page, please copy and paste the following code to your web site:
When you use the above code, this is how your page will appear:
In case you face any problems in adding the links and getting them to work, please feel free to Contact Us. We will respond to your query within 3 business days.
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