Aggressive Australian Shepherd? : How To Train Australian Shepherd Aggression and Dominant Dogs

The growling. The biting. The nasty attacks. The stress... But there IS a way out...

"Now that my Australian Shepherd isn't AGGRESSIVE anymore, I am so relieved that I won't have to give it away!"

Whether your high-strung pooch is a new rescue, a puppy or a long-time pet with erratic mood changes, our newest Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course will show you exactly how to BE IN CONTROL AND STOP THE AGGRESSION

If your Australian Shepherd's aggressive behavior is causing problems in your home, on your walks or anywhere else, this is the perfect place to learn the very best ways to train it to stop.

When you complete our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course you'll have a well-adjusted and friendly dog that you can trust.

And it's easy to make great new friends here with other Australian Shepherd owners who are Elite Members of TrainPetDog, as your dog is 'upgraded!'

Get started by reviewing our...

"Australian Shepherds are different, but you knew that anyway didn't you!"
Plus you get LIVE access to the kind of elite vets and expert trainers normally reserved for only very wealthy dog owners... our experts have appeared on Radio and TV shows such as Dr. Marty Becker's "Top Vets Talk Pets" and even trained dogs (charging fees of up to $250 per hour) for NBA and NFL super stars, billionaire entrepreneurs and famous singers. But best of all, they are happy to help you train your Australian Shepherd for FREE as part of your membership - so don't miss this very rare opportunity! Find out more below...
Nancy, President
Nancy Richards

Hi, fellow Australian Shepherd Lovers,

I am Nancy Richards.

A lot of the stories I've heard about aggressive Australian Shepherds are just heart-breaking.

It's not just about the growling, biting or barking. It's what those vicious behaviors do to your nerves, to your loved ones, to your other pets and ultimately what they can do to the precious relationship between you and your sweetheart dog.

Follow all the steps present in our Australian Shepherd training course and we absolutely guarantee that you'll see the following results:

  1. Your Australian Shepherd will no longer threaten your other pets, your family members, kids or guests...
  2. You'll know exactly what causes your Australian Shepherd to growl, bite, bark, bare its teeth or snarl and how to stop this...
  3. Going for walks will no longer be a tiring chore with your Australian Shepherd pulling on its leash in order to attack people or other dogs...
  4. Your Australian Shepherd's food aggression and greediness with respect to its food will be a thing of the past...
  5. You'll not have to worry about having to give up your loving Australian Shepherd, or worse, having to put it down...

Here are just a few of the stories we've heard from some of our customers who've come to us for help in dealing with their too-aggressive dogs that may remind you of your situation:

  • "My rescued dog has gotten into several serious fights with my 3 other dogs. To prevent any injury, I have to either be alert all the time, or keep this one away in his crate. We have never given up a dog for adoption and it would break our hearts to do so. How do I end the stress and drama for all my pooches as well as us humans?"
  • "We are a very social family and it kills us that our dog is not. We would like to take him with us to friends' houses but he gets aggressive with other dogs and strangers. At home, whenever we have friends visiting, he growls and snarls with an aggressive body language, and my friends get terrified. When can we take him along with us in public?"
  • "How can we teach our dog that other dogs, big or small, do not require him to be acting like the "king of the mountain"? When we go on walks, he barks and pulls me to get to other animals. I got a few bruises the other day when he knocked me over for a possible combat. But at home, he is a darling with people - even little kids."
  • "How do I get my 9-week old puppy to ease up on his aggressive play with my older dog? The older dog is pretty good-natured but doesn't want to play and the puppy doesn't understand."
  • "It makes me cry to think that there is something wrong with my dog mentally. She just feels singularly attached to me, and growls and barks at my husband as he walks in our apartment. I dearly love her and hate fighting with my husband over whether or not I should keep her. Even our neighbors have complained about her high-pitched bark!!"
  • "I have previously tried training but to no avail and now I have a worsening situation. Last week, my dog got aggressive and bit me and drew blood. Yesterday, she bit 2 people when they were working with my old mother who is sick. I had to spend $450 in ER, and we were reported to Animal Control. How can I prevent her from biting people?"
  • "Our dog is great 90% of the time. But his selective aggression is bewildering. He is extremely aggressive about his food and his toys and, at times, very territorial. He will bare his teeth and go into a trance-like state. Even screaming his name gets no response. How can I build on his positives and trust him?"

Will these owners stop loving their dogs?

Will they be forced to give up the dogs they love?



  • You CAN train your Australian Shepherd not to be aggressive and not to bite, growl at or threaten other dogs or people.
  • You DON'T NEED to send your Australian Shepherd to a training facility or have a trainer come to your home.
  • It's NOT expensive.
  • And your satisfaction is guaranteed.

We've finally perfected a comprehensive, all-inclusive Australian Shepherd training course that will show you THE EXACT STEPS YOU CAN TAKE to gain control of the situation, understand WHY your Australian Shepherd is being aggressive, stop the annoying behavior that's making it an unpredictable and untrustworthy pet, make yourself the undisputed leader of the pack (with step-by-step instructions regarding exactly HOW you should make yourself the pack leader) and relieve the stresses that may be threatening to break up the loving relationship between you and your dog.

It is so simple and easy to use and learn that anyone... and we mean anyone... will be able to use it to learn how to train any Australian Shepherd to be non-aggressive and friendly... even if they have ZERO experience doing so...

In fact, we even give you our Australian Shepherd Aggression Promise to prove you can!

Who is this Australian Shepherd Training Course meant for?

If your Australian Shepherd is behaving aggressively -- bothering you, your family, your other pets or your neighbors -- or if it's stubborn or disobedient right now... you can quickly learn hundreds of secret techniques and strategies (known only by a few of the TOP experts in this field) in our training course meant exclusively for Australian Shepherd lovers...

This exclusive Training Course includes the EXACT STEPS you must take to stop your Australian Shepherd from behaving aggressively in all the usual situations:

  • Dominating, even attacking your other dogs or charging your cat...
  • Growling at visitors and family members...
  • Intimidating children by barking, baring its teeth or nipping at them...
  • Pulling on the leash, as if to start a fight with other dogs when out walking...
  • Barking insanely at passers-by, neighbors or visitors with the hair on its back standing up...
  • Turning aggressive out of nowhere and biting you or your spouse or anyone nearby...
  • Becoming aggressive and greedy about its food, and being very protective of its toys...
  • Showing fear aggression or being territorial...

Plus, if you are worried about adopting a dog with a dodgy history from the shelter, our course will help you stabilize its temperament and establish yourself as the pack leader - and to experience the unconditional love and companionship that only dogs can give.

This course will focus on the mental state of your Australian Shepherd, show you why your dog is aggressive, teach you how to solve the problem once and for all, and end your worries about dealing with frustrated family members, unnerved pets, or worst of all, possibly having to give up the dog you love so much.

Give us the next five minutes, and we'll prove why the system we've developed works so well.

What's Unique About This Australian Shepherd Training Course - Plus Why 52,000 Members of Worldwide Love Us...

Our training course has been developed specifically for Australian Shepherds and their owners. Yes, you will find many dog training courses online but they have general dog training information and are not specific to Australian Shepherds.

Even if that information may apply to Australian Shepherds in general, this breed can be very difficult to train and needs to be handled somewhat differently compared to Golden Retrievers. Our Training Course addresses those specific needs of Australian Shepherds.

As our valued client, you will get access to our special fortnightly newsletter with advanced Australian Shepherd Training Tips and Strategies, Latest Updates on Australian Shepherd Training Methods, real life problems that other Australian Shepherd owners have faced and their solutions - plus new videos, audios and live calls with our Expert Trainers and Vets. Imagine - you can ask any question you like - simply dial in from the comfort of your home by phone - and it's FREE as part of your Membership.

Unlike other training methods, our Training Course portrays aggression as a mental state that your Australian Shepherd exhibits rather than a problem that you have to solve. It has everything you need to know to appreciate its emotions (fear, threat, discomfort etc.) and stop it from behaving aggressively toward people or other animals.

It covers every situation - attacking your other dogs, growling at visitors, biting you or your spouse, intimidating children in the family, pulling on the leash while out walking, being aggressive about its food, etc.

Plus you'll learn how to prevent the worrisome behaviors that often go along with aggression - like barking, socialization issues, biting (nipping), disobedience, jealousy etc.

In addition, while other training books and websites tell you that you need to become the pack leader, they invariably never tell you HOW you should do so. Our course contains step-by-step instructions that show you exactly HOW you can become the pack leader.

Even though aggression is your #1 Concern, our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course will also help you solve every other common problem of Australian Shepherd ownership, from housebreaking a new puppy to obedience and stubbornness, manners, diet issues and more!

We are so confident about our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course that we give you a 120-day Money Back guarantee. Other online training products or e-books only give you a 60-day or 90-day guarantee, but we give you an Unconditional, No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee For a Full 120 days. And why can we give that? Because, we have more than 52,000 satisfied clients worldwide who love our Elite Membership training and have proved it works with their dogs.

The Australian Shepherd Training Institute And The Work They Do

Your special Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course has been developed by the Australian Shepherd Training Institute, which has a passionate history of dedication to the welfare of Australian Shepherds and actively supports grass roots activities for their proper breeding and care.

We extensively research innovative, cutting edge Australian Shepherd training methods from all over the world, so Australian Shepherd owners like you can be first to use the best techniques we've discovered working globally in sometimes quite amazing situations.

We are also proud supporters of the important dog institutions below and actively campaign against animal exploitation everywhere - not just on behalf of dogs...

So after years of painstaking research and testing, our truly revolutionary Australian Shepherd training course now means ANY Australian Shepherd owner, regardless of her current skills and experience, can even go as far as becoming a Professional Australian Shepherd Trainer (if she wished of course, the training is that in depth). Using the techniques in our training course, you will learn how to turn your Australian Shepherd into an amazingly lovable, loyal, well-behaved, NON-AGGRESSIVE pet.

We have been running this website for over 4 years now and more than 52,000 satisfied clients have successfully proven that our training course works and solves their dogs' problems.

You'll finally be able to get some peace and quiet at home when your Australian Shepherd stops going after your other pets!

Whether your Australian Shepherd gets into fights with your other pets or barks aggressively at them with its hair raised, you will be amazed at how our training course will help you reduce your Australian Shepherd's aggressiveness towards them:

  • Discover the 5 essential techniques you must use to stop your Australian Shepherd from pinning down your other dogs or chasing your cats...
  • 3 proven methods to teach your Australian Shepherd to happily play with your other pets and not to try to dominate them by barking, jumping or growling...

With the proven strategies in our training course, you'll be free from having to constantly keep your aggressive Australian Shepherd leashed with you, and acting like a referee between it and your other pets.

You'll be able to stop worrying that your aggressive Australian Shepherd will make your other dogs unstable too.

And you'll finally be able to enjoy a relaxed, calm and friendly atmosphere in your home.

Very soon your Australian Shepherd will walk with you like a dream... without barking, dragging, charging or yanking!

Are you worried about being sued if your Australian Shepherd attacks or bites someone during your walks?

Have you considered sending your Australian Shepherd to a doggy school in order to reduce its aggression but haven't done so because you're afraid that your dog will get into a fight with the other dogs in the school?

If your anxiety about your Australian Shepherd's insane barking and aggression is stealing the joy from your regular walks, our training course will help you gain control of your pooch:

  • Discover the FOUR ESSENTIAL STEPS you must use to stop your Australian Shepherd's aggression and prevent it from embarrassing you by terrifying the people, kids, other dogs or cyclists that you pass during your walks...
  • How to change your Australian Shepherd's aggressive posture during your walks, so that other dogs and their owners feel safe around it...

You’ll finally be able to let your Australian Shepherd approach another dog in the park and say Hello without being terrified that it will start a fight with the other dog.

You will again be able to interact with your friends at the park and you will both feel welcome walking in the neighborhood.

Once you stop the aggression with the proven techniques in our training course, think how proud you'll feel when others respect you for having such a well-behaved dog!

Is your Australian Shepherd's aggression towards your family members, especially kids, making you think about finding a different home for it?

Tired of being on alert all the time in order to prevent your Australian Shepherd from biting your kid or grandchild? Are you disheartened with the way your dog always acts aggressively towards your partner or you?

Our training course will help you with:

  • 3 ways to teach your Australian Shepherd not to take the kids or adults in the family as threats and bark or nip at them whenever they move or come close...
  • How to prevent your Australian Shepherd from feeling jealous of the kids when you show affection towards them...
  • 5 easy steps to establish your and your spouse's leadership over your Australian Shepherd, so that it accepts your dominance without trying to bite or snap back at you...

When you get our training course, you'll be able to transform your Australian Shepherd into a friendly and lovable pet and it will finally become what you had always wanted it to be - an inseparable part of your family...

Your Australian Shepherd will no longer embarrass you by being aggressive towards your friends, guests or their dogs

Do you feel stressed and panic when your Australian Shepherd tries to lunge at or bite your friends and relatives when they visit your house?

Do you want to take your Australian Shepherd with you when you visit your friends but are forced to leave your dog at home because you’re afraid that it’s going to make a scene?

Our training course will help you teach your Australian Shepherd to remain calm when you have visitors and to happily welcome their dogs. You'll discover:

  • How to condition your Australian Shepherd's emotional reactions so that it never gets aggressive to the point of biting your guests or attacking their dogs...
  • 3 simple calming signals to keep your Australian Shepherd in control when there are lots of people around...

Are you considering getting rid of your Australian Shepherd or worse, putting it down, because it is constantly challenging your authority?

If your Australian Shepherd is friendly and loving 90% of the time, but becomes stubborn and headstrong when you try to discipline it, our training course will help you:

  • Discover the 7 things that you should do when your Australian Shepherd bites you or bares its teeth and rants and raves unnecessarily...
  • Understand why your Australian Shepherd's mood changes and why it shows sudden, shocking outbursts when you least expect it, making you afraid to take it off its lead even for a second...

The effective tips from our training course will help you turn your Australian Shepherd from an unpredictable and occasionally vicious animal to a wonderful and gentle companion, so that you and your family will be able to keep your loyal, sweet-heart dog with you and not have to send it to the pound or to a shelter.

Has your Australian Shepherd's territorial, possessive or food aggressive instincts recently escalated to an unacceptable level?

Even if your Australian Shepherd has exhibited these characteristics for a long time, our training course will help you to permanently resolve these issues, and stop it from growling or biting like a madman.

  • 5 critical steps that you must take to stop your Australian Shepherd's food aggression if it has the habit of being too greedy or attempts to bite another person or animal whenever he or she gets too close to its food bowl...
  • What you should do if you are scared to trust your Australian Shepherd even when it is just chewing a bone or a rawhide...
  • How to get your Australian Shepherd to be less possessive about its toys...
  • How you should wean your Australian Shepherd away if it bonds singularly to you and acts super-protective about you...
  • What you should do if your Australian Shepherd's territorial instincts are getting out of control...

Our effective training tips will help you train your Australian Shepherd to be social, thereby transforming your home into a stress-free and comfortable place for everyone.

Worried about adopting a rescued Australian Shepherd with a dodgy history or unknown past from a shelter?

It takes a real dog lover to risk adopting a rescue when you know that it has had a history of aggression or when you don't know anything about how it's been treated or what problems it may have had in the past.

Our training course will ensure that your Australian Shepherd starts its journey in your home on the right footing and you won't have to face the usual heartaches and anguish that other dog owners have to cope up with in the same situation.

  • The steps that you should follow when you bring a rescued Australian Shepherd with a known history of jealousy and aggression into your home...
  • How to introduce your newly adopted Australian Shepherd to the existing pets at home...
  • How to slowly train your rescued Australian Shepherd to overcome its insecurities caused by mis-treatment in its previous home...

A rescued Australian Shepherd with intelligence, sensitivity and the right emotional make-up deserves to live its life in a home with a loving family. Our training course will help you give your rescued Australian Shepherd the life it deserves.

No matter what the situation, and no matter what the cause behind your Australian Shepherd's aggressive behavior, our training course will first help you understand the aggression from YOUR DOG'S point of view, and then help you put an end to the aggression once and for all.

But more important than just ending the aggression, our training course will help you change the way you look at your Australian Shepherd - from 'how to cope with this beloved nuisance of a pet' to 'I am lucky enough to live with a loving companion whom I can learn to understand'. You'll realize that with all its aggression, biting, growling or barking, your Australian Shepherd is struggling to reach into 'your' world and that a dog's language is so much more than where the tails or the ears are. Our training course will help you to understand its signals and body language, and to become its loving teacher and best friend.

Ultimately, our training course will help you become the best parent to your Australian Shepherd that you can be.

But Aggression is Not the Only Thing That's Covered in Our Training Course

Our course is a COMPLETE Manual on Australian Shepherd ownership - it also includes proven solutions to lots of other doggy issues (like barking, socialization, biting, obedience training etc.)

When you get our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course, you get immediate access to not one but 3 separate "Expert Series" Training Modules.

Each module is divided into several in-depth sections, so you'll always know what to do, no matter what your Australian Shepherd needs. In short, study just these and you'll become an EXPERT! (But there's a whole lot more to our Training Course than this - as you'll soon see).

Does your Australian Shepherd BARK excessively, thus destroying the peace and quiet at home?

Our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course has a simple but EXTREMELY effective technique that we have personally perfected that you can use to stop your Australian Shepherd from barking or howling unnecessarily and making loud noises and throwing tempers.

Our training course portrays barking as a language your Australian Shepherd speaks rather than a problem that you have to solve. So it has everything you need to know to appreciate its mental state when it is barking, understand exactly why it is barking, and then use this understanding to stop it from barking - without ever using anti-bark collars.

Here's what you'll find in our training course:

  • Does your Australian Shepherd bark when you take it out for a walk or when you take it to the dog park? Discover the FOUR ESSENTIAL TECHNIQUES you must use to prevent your Australian Shepherd from barking at other dogs, people or at cars so that you can start enjoying your walks again...
  • The exact method that you need to follow in order to stop your Australian Shepherd from barking at night so that you and the other members of your family can start sleeping soundly again...
  • How to get back the freedom to invite friends, family and visitors into your home without worrying that they'll be afraid of or annoyed by your barking dog...
  • End the incessant barking that starts and refuses to stop whenever there's a knock or ring at the door...
  • How to put an end to the stress and frustration that you feel because of your Australian Shepherd's relentless barking at whatever goes by the house and at every little sound...
  • 5 critical steps that you need to follow in order to stop your Australian Shepherd from barking while you're away...

Does your Australian Shepherd lack SOCIALIZATION, thus preventing it from becoming an integral part of your family?

Here's what you'll find in our training course:

  • How to socialize your Australian Shepherd with the other dogs and cats that you have in your house so that it doesn't growl and snap at them...
  • How to make your Australian Shepherd friendly towards your guests and your children or grandchildren so that it allows them to pet it, instead of barking and backing away...
  • 5 ways to ensure that your Australian Shepherd interacts positively with the other dogs that it meets during its walks...
  • Understand why your Australian Shepherd is not friendly with anyone else other than you or your spouse, and how to fix this...
  • 4 steps to socialize and desensitize a new Australian Shepherd that seems to be afraid of everything and everyone...

Once you get your Australian Shepherd socialized using the techniques present in our training course, you'll have a happy animal with whom you'll be able to go out to different places and whom you can include in all your family activities.

Does your Australian Shepherd have the tendency to BITE, thus preventing you from trusting it around kids, family members and visitors?

If your Australian Shepherd's biting is making you too scared to take it out in public and has made you afraid of getting sued, our course will help you to change your dog into the loving companion that you have always wanted it to be:

  • How you can stop your puppy from play-biting and nipping...
  • 2 common but SERIOUS mistakes that many Australian Shepherd owners make when they are playing with their Australian Shepherds that actually encourage their Australian Shepherds to bite.

    WARNING: It is quite possible that you are unknowingly making these 2 mistakes yourself (since a very large percentage of Australian Shepherd owners do it).

    See the Biting section of our training course to find out what these mistakes are, and why you should avoid them at all costs.
  • Why exactly your Australian Shepherd tends to bite your spouse, your children, your grandchildren or your visitors, and the 4-step process that will help you stop this...
  • How to stop your Australian Shepherd from biting YOU...
  • How to stop your Australian Shepherd from attacking and biting the other dogs in your house...
  • How to re-train a rescued Australian Shepherd with a known history of biting...

Does Your Australian Shepherd lack OBEDIENCE TRAINING and is this threatening the loving relationship between the two of you?

If your skittish Australian Shepherd doesn't come when called, runs away from the house whenever the door is opened, pulls on the leash when you're out walking with it, or listens to you ONLY when it wants to, our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course will turn it into a loving member of your family and put an end to all your stress and anxiety.

Our training course will help you regardless of whether you have a new puppy, an adult Australian Shepherd that has obedience issues, or a newly rescued Australian Shepherd that is either too shy or too aggressive:

  • Identify the weak and strong points of the breed and using this understanding to determine the specific training needs of your Australian Shepherd...


The Australian Shepherd is a gentle, dependable and lively dog and they love their families.

Consistancy in training can make your Australian Shepherd an obedient dog, help it learn tricks and be a great pleasure for its owners.

  • 3 easy but highly effective tests you can perform to get an amazing insight into your Australian Shepherd's born-in traits... and how to use the results of these tests to better train your dog...
  • The single most important factor and the 5 key rules that you must remember when you train your Australian Shepherd - unless you know what these are and remember to follow them when you train your Australian Shepherd, it can NEVER be trained properly!
  • The 6 important steps that you need to take in order to make your Australian Shepherd come back to you as soon as you call it, especially when it is not on leash...
  • Discover the secret techniques, known and used only by the pros, that will help you establish yourself as the pack leader so that your Australian Shepherd pays attention to a firm command or a quiet rebuke from you without your ever having to yell at it...
  • 3 easy steps to leash train your Australian Shepherd so that it never pulls or tugs on the leash when you take it out for its regular walks...
  • How to teach your Australian Shepherd advanced commands like Stand, Stop, Drop It, Give It etc.

An Australian Shepherd being trained for the SIT position - one of the first steps towards establishing your authority.

Are you struggling to HOUSEBREAK your Australian Shepherd and to have a cleaner home that doesn't smell like a kennel?

Are you and your family members frustrated because your Australian Shepherd constantly pees and poops in the wrong places?

Are you thinking of giving up your dog because it can’t be potty trained no matter how hard you try?

Our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course will help you housebreak even the most reluctant puppy or adult Australian Shepherd so that it only relieves itself at the place where you want it to and NEVER relieves itself in any other place in your house.

It covers every situation – housebreaking puppies, housebreaking adult Australian Shepherds, housebreaking techniques for Australian Shepherd owners who have to be away from the house for hours at a time, housebreaking techniques for owners who live in apartments, etc.

Here's what you get:

  • Detailed, step-by-step instructions for all the common methods of housetraining Australian Shepherds - outdoor training, crate training, paper training, potty pad training, litter box training, diaper training, etc.
  • The unique system that we have developed that will help you to train your Australian Shepherd to always (and without fail) alert you when it wants to go out...
  • 3 secret tips on how to stop repeat 'accidents' at home...
  • What to do if you take your Australian Shepherd outside several times during the day, but it still ends up peeing indoors...
  • 6 simple but highly effective steps you should follow to prevent your Australian Shepherd from creating a mess in your house if you have to go out for work and have to leave your dog alone at home for hours at a stretch...
  • Why your Australian Shepherd soils its crate and how you can stop it...
  • How to put a permanent end to those occasional pee stops on the carpet after weeks of no accidents...
  • The simple technique that you can use in order to stop your Australian Shepherd from spraying in the house and on the furniture in order to mark its territory...


Australian Shepherds are attentive dogs and fairly easy to housetrain. However, they can often be stubborn.

Only 3 things can help you with housebreaking your Australian Shepherd- Patience, Consistency and the Right Guidance on Housetraining.

How you can gift your Australian Shepherd a long, healthy and happy life by providing it with a proper DIET and appropriate nutrition

Our training course will also tell you everything you need to know about feeding your puppy or adult Australian Shepherd and giving it a proper diet...

It will give you a step-by-step blueprint that will allow you to determine exactly what you should feed your Australian Shepherd every day...

Here are some of the dozens of secret diet related tips that you will discover in our course:

  • How to vary the food that you give to your Australian Shepherd as it grows from a puppy to an adult to an older dog...
  • Did you know that there are only 2 distinct feeding techniques that you should use with your Australian Shepherd?

    A majority of Australian Shepherd owners don't know what these techniques are and end up feeding their dogs the wrong way, which often has an adverse impact on the health of their Australian Shepherds.

    Our training course will tell you what these techniques are and how to determine which of these 2 techniques would be appropriate for YOUR Australian Shepherd.
  • What you can do when your Australian Shepherd is a picky eater and only prefers human food...
  • A secret chart developed by us that will tell you exactly how much Vitamins and Minerals your Australian Shepherd needs every day.

    Most Australian Shepherd owners don't have access to this chart, because of which their Australian Shepherds never get the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals that they need to be healthy and happy.

    To be honest with you, this chart is so important that you should be hanging it on the wall of your kitchen so that you can refer to it everyday.

Pluto - A well-groomed Australian Shepherd with a radiant skin reflects overall fitness and good health.

  • The 1 food item that MUST be given to your Australian Shepherd every day in order to prevent it from being affected by diseases like cancer, heart disease, liver and kidney disorders when it grows old...
  • What food items are good for underweight Australian Shepherds and what items you should avoid in case your dog is overweight...
  • Food items that you should NEVER give to your Australian Shepherd under any circumstances - if you give these food items to your Australian Shepherd, it may cause severe intestinal damage in your Australian Shepherd, ugly sores on its skin or even death!

Once you get our course, you will know exactly what your Australian Shepherd needs for its diet every day, exactly what food combinations are best for maintaining its long-term health and exactly how much food it should eat every day...

And you will know exactly which food items and pet treats available in supermarkets and discount stores you should avoid at all costs (thereby saving you a lot of money because you will no longer have to waste money on food that shouldn't be given to your Australian Shepherd in the first place)...

Plus, you will also get step-by-step solutions to several other common problems like Jumping, Chewing, etc.

The Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course not only deals with issues like aggression, barking, and lack of socialization, but also includes step-by-step solutions for ALL the other common problems faced by Australian Shepherd owners - like jumping, chewing, digging up your garden, etc.

Here's a partial list of what else you'll find in our course:

  • Our unique 5-step process that will help you train your Australian Shepherd to stop jumping on you, your spouse, your children or grandchildren and your visitors...
  • Our groundbreaking 3-step method that will help you to stop your Australian Shepherd from chewing everything in sight, especially when left alone...
  • How to stop your Australian Shepherd from digging up your backyard or garden and creating a mess...
  • Does your Australian Shepherd suffer from separation anxiety? Find out how to calm your dog's nerves when you leave it at home alone...
  • Why your Australian Shepherd tends to snap at other dogs or people and how you can control this annoying behaviour...
  • ... and a LOT more!

The Australian Shepherd Lovers Training course thus gives you access to the most authentic information that you'll find anywhere on training and taking care of Australian Shepherds.

And once you get our course, you will have the immense satisfaction of being able to transform a dog that has behavioral issues into a friendly, obedient and loyal companion who will love you unconditionally for years to come.

Have a look at what a few more of our customers said about our training course...

But We've Still Only Just Started!

And believe it or not, even this is not all that you get from our training course!

For a very limited time only, you will also get FREE access to our private, members' only discussion forum meant for Australian Shepherd lovers...

In this forum, you will be able to post any questions you have about anything related to your dog...

Other Australian Shepherd lovers from around the world will answer your questions within a few hours (often within a few minutes!) - you can depend upon the experience of other Australian Shepherd lovers like you...

You will also be able to develop lifelong friendships with other like-minded Australian Shepherd owners all around the world. Chat with them, share your experiences, your thoughts, and your ideas about Australian Shepherds ...

Through this online forum, you can tell the world about how you taught your Australian Shepherd to do the craziest of tricks...

Your fellow Australian Shepherd owners will simply be amazed at what you have been able to teach your dog to do. You will quickly become known as one of the foremost experts in this field! Other Australian Shepherd owners will look up to you for advice, help and inspiration...

You can also learn from the experiences of other Australian Shepherd owners. They will tell you how they taught their dogs to do some stunning tricks. You will be able to learn from them and quickly and easily teach your own Australian Shepherd to do the same astonishing tricks!

"The Forum is the best place to make friends, get help and learn great tips for training your Australian Shepherd".
I've seen enough! Please let me get started right now so I can enjoy the forum and be certain my Australian Shepherd is trained correctly from now on. Click here to begin.
And even that's not all! For a limited time only, when you get our training course, you will also get a free 30 day trial access to our premium Elite Dog Owners Club.

To Become Part Of The Elite Dog Owners Club - Claim Your FREE Access Below

As a member of the Elite Dog Owners Club, you will have access to:

  • Expert one-on-one answers to any questions that you have about your dog. If you are facing a specific problem with your dog or have any specific questions regarding how to train it, just send us your question and one of our in-house dog training experts will work with you to solve the problem and answer your questions. Only members of our Elite Dog Owners Club have personal, one-on-one access to our in-house experts in this manner. You simply pick up the phone and dial in to the call!

  • A monthly interactive video covering topics like obedience training, basic commands, controlling unruly behavior etc. that not only tells you how to train your dog and handle different behavioral issues, but also demonstrates in real time how those techniques are being applied on different dogs so that you can actually see those techniques in action.

  • A monthly 30-minute audio recording from a world-famous dog trainer who will talk about a specific aspect of training and handling your dog. This expert usually charges $250 per hour if you wanted to consult with him privately, but your membership to the Elite Dog Owners Club lets you learn from him by paying nothing at all!

  • FREE WEEKLY CONSULTATIONS with a top veterinarian. If you have a question regarding your dog's health or any medical problems related to your dog, just send it to us and our veterinarian will personally answer your question every week. Imagine how much this could save you by being able to stop diseases early... before they become expensive. This is virtually guaranteed to save you money and stress because it's like having your own PERSONAL top flight veterinarian for your Australian Shepherd!

  • A brand new article every week written by one of our in-house dog training experts covering topics like training, solving behavioral problems, grooming, diet and nutritional requirements, etc. that will give you practical tips, suggestions and advice that you can put to use immediately

  • A unique and powerful Doggie Alert software that automatically reminds you of your pet's birthday, scheduled medical appointments and vaccinations so that you won't miss any of them.

  • Instant access to all previous "Expert Series" videos, audio recordings and articles.

Membership to the Elite Dog Owners Club usually costs $77 per month but it's yours absolutely free for the first 30 days when you get our training course! And, after your 30 day free trial period, you will automatically keep getting all the benefits of membership to the Elite Dog Owners Club for the customer-only discounted price of just $67 per month instead of the regular price of $77 per month (i.e. you save $10 every month).

If you are not delighted as a member of the Club, simply contact us and cancel your membership anytime within the 30 day free trial period, and you won't be billed.

Note: If you do not wish to be automatically enrolled into the 30 day free trial of the Elite Dog Owners Club when you purchase our training course, you will have the opportunity to opt out of it when you order our training course from our secure order form.

The Same Information Is Not Available For Free On Other Web Sites Or In The Books That You'll Find In Your Local Library Or Bookstore

The information you will find in our Australian Shepherd training course is not available anywhere else on the Internet, or in any other book. You see, because our relationships with experts and our customers are worldwide, we also have privileged access to dog training and veterinary expertise many here in the USA would not normally come across. This allows us to cover in a very special way, some of the most important Australian Shepherd training skills like...

  • Understanding the underlying psychology that makes your Australian Shepherd aggressive... and using this understanding in order to train your Australian Shepherd to behave properly with the fastest, easiest, positive reinforcement techniques available anywhere today...

  • Recognizing and respecting your Australian Shepherd's emotions, which is necessary for you to be its pack-leader... along with step-by-step instructions regarding exactly HOW you should become the pack leader.

  • The correct way to COMMUNICATE with your Australian Shepherd based on the latest developments in animal communication research around the world...

  • How to deal with aggression in every situation - whether it's directed at you, your family members, kids, visitors, passers by or other dogs inside the house or outside...

No other web site or book author has access to our secret training techniques. No one else has our experts. So, you won't find this information in any other web site or in any book available in your local library or bookstore...

Have a look at what a few more of our customers said about our training course...

OK - Your Training Course Sounds Great, But It Must Cost a Lot of Money, Right?

Firstly, let us ask you something:

If you wanted to hire a professional trainer to get your Australian Shepherd to stop being aggressive, what would it cost you?

Well, the best ones that we personally know of cost nothing less than $1200...

Plus, professional trainers will only train your Australian Shepherd - they will not tell YOU any of their professional secrets. This means that after the professional trainer has trained your Australian Shepherd and has gone away, if your Australian Shepherd suddenly started acting aggressively again or developed some other problem, and you wanted to get rid of these problems, you wouldn't know what to do...

Your only option would be to call the trainer yet again and pay him or her even more money...

But, with our training course, you will never need to call a professional trainer - our training course will teach YOU the techniques and secrets (everything) that a professional Australian Shepherd trainer knows!

Also, nothing can match the satisfaction of PERSONALLY teaching your Australian Shepherd to stop being aggressive and ending the risk to your wonderful relationship...

So, given that the best professional trainers will charge you nothing less than $1200 to train your Australian Shepherd, given how much frustration and stress our training course is going to save you from once your Australian Shepherd stops behaving aggressively, given how much peace of mind our training course is going to provide you, and given how much time and money our training course is going to save you, we could have easily charged you at least $197 for access to our training course. But we are not going to!


Because the "Expert Series" Course and everything else will be presented to you digitally as online content, we will not have to incur any printing and fulfillment costs. And we want to pass on those benefits to you.

So, we slashed down the price to $97. But, even at $97, we know that not many Australian Shepherd owners are going to be able to afford to get access to our training course...

We absolutely adore Australian Shepherds and we want as many Australian Shepherd owners as possible to benefit from the secret tips and techniques described in our training course...

So, we have decided on a much more affordable discounted price...

If you order anytime by midnight, tonight 11.59:59pm you will get the Training Course for only $67!

However, please note that the price of $67 is a discounted price. We fully intend to increase the price to $97 very soon as there is no way we can afford to keep the price at $67 for too long...So, if you order now, you can save $30!

But, if you decide not to order now, and in case we withdraw our discounted price of $67, you will have to pay the much higher price of $97. Start now...

  • Ordering is fast, secure and simple!
  • Since this is an e-Course and everything is available online in a convenient digital format, there is nothing to ship.
  • Therefore you pay no shipping costs. And, of course, there's NO WAITING either!
  • You may be located within the US or outside, you will get instant access to everything upon ordering!
  • The Training Course is very easy to use! Even a child can use it! You don't have to be a techie or an expert to be able to use the course.
  • "We Insist You Must Be Delighted!" - 100% No Quibble 120 Day Money Back Guarantee

Note: Your order will be processed by - our credit card processor. Your order will be processed through a 100% secure web site. This means that your credit card details are completely safe and can never be stolen. There is absolutely NO possibility that anyone will get unauthorized access to your credit card information. We Guarantee it.


100% Risk-Free - 120 Day Money Back Guarantee

As further proof that we are absolutely confident that our training course will help you train your Australian Shepherd to stop its aggressive behavior in no time at all, we are offering you the Australian Shepherd Training Institute's risk-free, no-questions-asked, no pressure, no whining, 120 day money back guarantee

Try out our training course, risk-free, for a full 120 days and see whether it works for you.

If you are not happy with our training course for any reason whatsoever and if our training course does not help you to stop your Australian Shepherd's aggressive behavior once and for all, we don't want you to pay a single, red cent for it.

Simply write to us asking for a refund and we will refund the entire payment of $67 to you. This is more than just a guarantee - this is our personal promise to you.

Why are we practically telling you to ask for your money back? Why are we giving you a 120 day guarantee whereas most websites on the Internet give you only a 30 day guarantee (and many don't give any guarantees at all)?

Because we know that our training course delivers the goods. In fact, it over-delivers. And that is what gives us the confidence of offering a 120 day money-back guarantee.

Finally, If You Are Still Undecided, Here's Something Vital About Your Australian Shepherd's Health - It May Just Be The Most Important Thing You've Read On This Page...

Warning: A significant percentage of Australian Shepherd owners don't have any idea as to how to detect whether or not their Australian Shepherd has what is called the Luxated Patella problem...

In case your Australian Shepherd does develop this problem, you need to know how to detect it and what corrective action to take. If you don't take corrective action on time, there is a VERY high probability that your Australian Shepherd may end up suffering from arthritis in the future.

To help you deal with this and other vital health issues now for your Australian Shepherd, if you decide to try out our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course today, then we'll give you a very special bonus indeed...

"How to Look After Your Australian Shepherd's Health" - yours FREE!

The first 100 customers who get our training course today will also receive a FREE copy of our powerful special report called "How to Look After Your Dog's Health".

This tells you everything you need to know in order to have basic medical knowledge regarding your Australian Shepherd and everything that you need to do in order to ensure that your Australian Shepherd has a long and healthy life...

In this special report packed with facts you can use today, you will discover...

  • 6 separate techniques you can use to prevent your Australian Shepherd from being affected by fleas (See Chapter 2)...
  • How to treat insect bites in your Australian Shepherd (See Chapter 2)...
  • The ONLY correct method of removing TICKS from your Australian Shepherd. A large majority of Australian Shepherd owners make a crucial mistake when they are removing ticks from their dogs, which often causes illness not only to their dogs, but also to the owners themselves! Read Chapter 3 of this special report to find out about the ONLY correct method of removing ticks...
  • How to prevent your Australian Shepherd from being affected by tapeworms or heartworms (See Chapter 2)...
  • How to prevent your Australian Shepherd from being affected by anemia (See Chapter 2)...
  • The 9 major diseases that can affect your Australian Shepherd, the crucial symptoms you need to watch out for in order to detect these diseases before they can become serious, and exactly what to do in order to cure these diseases. (See Chapter 3 of the Special Report)...
  • How to detect and cure one of the MOST common problems that affect Australian Shepherds called Luxated Patella where the thigh bone, knee cap, and the calf of its legs are not properly aligned, often leading to arthritis and other complications later on. Please read Chapter 7 of this special report to find out how to detect and cure this problem quickly if, God forbid, it ever occurs to your Australian Shepherd...


Australian Shepherds suffer from a variety of health issues.

  • Some are prone to suffer from hip dysplasia.
  • Australian Shepherds suffer from spinal defects and eye problems.

You must consult a vet in case you see any such problem in your Australian Shepherd.

However, here’s what you need to know:

We normally sell this report elsewhere on our website for $49. So obviously, we cannot give away too many copies of this report for free. That just won't be fair to people who are purchasing this report separately.

So we've decided to only give free copies of this report to the FIRST 100 customers who sign up for our training course today. This is our way of rewarding those customers who decide to take action quickly, as opposed to those who procrastinate.

Once the 100 copies have been given away, we'll stop giving away this report for free. Our website gets more than 10,000 visitors every day, so as you can imagine, we expect to reach that limit of 100 copies very quickly. So in case you do want a free copy of this special report, please be sure to sign up for the training course right now because the free copies are still available.

Finally, Some Words of Encouragement...

Picture this.... within a few days or weeks, your Australian Shepherd will be completely well-behaved and will no longer bite, nip, growl or jump on you, your family members and your other pets...

You'll be able to walk your Australian Shepherd or take it to the dog park without worrying that it may attack anyone you pass or try to initiate a fight with another dog...

You'll be able to invite friends to visit you without the fear of your Australian Shepherd acting like a juvenile delinquent...

Tension between you and your spouse, fear of being sued because of your dog's biting habits, worries that you'll have to get rid of your beloved Australian Shepherd - all these aggression-related problems will be gone for good!

Your fully trained Australian Shepherd will fetch you praise from admirers while you are out walking with it...

You will have enormous peace of mind when you know that your Australian Shepherd will never ever be aggressive towards other dogs or people once you implement the breakthrough new techniques that you will learn from our training course...

You will save hundreds of hours of your time because you will no longer have to waste time experimenting with dozens of different training techniques in the hope that one of them might just work. Our training course will tell you exactly which techniques work and which techniques don't...

You will have more leisure time which you can spend on other hobbies and activities because you will no longer have to experience the frustration of spending all your time trying to train your Australian Shepherd to be less aggressive and to listen to you, and seeing all your efforts fail...

So, you owe it to your Australian Shepherd AND to yourself to try out our training course risk-free for a full 120 days. You really have nothing to lose - either you love our training course and your dog stops being aggressive, or you get a no-questions-asked refund.

Start Today: And Here's What You Get...

This is what you'll get when you order today:

1 : Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course - Stop your Australian Shepherd's aggression towards other dogs or people and fix any other problem that you're facing with it

2 : Elite Dog Owners Club - You get the first 30 days FREE with the training course...

Note: If you do not wish to be automatically enrolled into the 30 day free trial of the Elite Dog Owners Club when you purchase our training course, you will have the opportunity to opt out of it when you order our training course from our secure order form.

3 : Unlimited Access to an Exclusive Members-Only Forum on Australian Shepherds (worth $149) - But you get it FREE with the training course...

4 : How to Look After Your Dog's Health (worth $49) - Only the first 100 customers who sign up for our training course today get this free of cost. We've not yet reached the limit of 100, so you are still eligible to get this free report.

Order now and get...

Everything at $97    $67 only

(if you order anytime within 11.59:59pm)

What could be simpler than that?

Get Instant Access to our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course for $37

P.S. Remember - with our risk-free, 120 day money-back guarantee, there's absolutely no way you can lose out if you purchase our training course right now. Either you absolutely love our training course and get your Australian Shepherd to stop being aggressive, or you get a no-questions-asked refund of everything that you've paid us...

So, the only way you will lose out is if you decide to think it over for a while and postpone your decision to purchase our training course...

Click Here NOW to Get Instant Access to our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course

P.P.S.: Remember, if you order today i.e. by 11.59:59pm, you can get access to this unique Australian Shepherd training course for $67.

But, if you postpone your decision, you will have to pay $97...

Plus, once we reach the limit of 100 customers, we will stop giving away free copies of the special report on "How to Take Care of Your Australian Shepherd's Health"...

But, if you order right now, you can get access to all the groundbreaking techniques present in our training course (for which we could have easily charged you $197), a 30 day free trial to the Elite Dog Owners Club, unlimited access to our members-only private forum (worth $149 per year), AND the special report on taking care of your Australian Shepherd's health (worth $49) ALL for just $67!

Click Here NOW for an instant start on ending your Australian Shepherd's aggressive behavior

Note: Your order will be processed by - our credit card processor. Your order will be processed through a 100% secure web site. This means that your credit card details are completely safe and can never be stolen. There is absolutely NO possibility that anyone will get unauthorized access to your credit card information.

Get Instant Access to our Australian Shepherd Lovers Training Course for $37 and you'll get peace of mind worth far more when your Australian Shepherd stops being aggressive.
Suite No 1010,
8721 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90069-4507 USA

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