offers you this FAQ Library to help you find answers to common questions. Please click on any of the following categories:
Ans : Please click here (the form above) for our login reminder service and your recovered password will be emailed to the address on file.
If you don’t receive our email, remember to always check your junk email box as your mail provider or spam blocker may be incorrectly filtering our email as spam or bulk mail.
Ans : Yes, you can change the dog breed, Please contact us to let us know your email ID that was used for ordering and the new dog breed. We will change it and confirm to you over an email.
Ans : To ensure you don’t miss the free tips email, please remember to add the email ID to your list of Contacts.
If you have already missed any of those mails, please get in touch with our customer support team using Contact Us
Ans : If you forgot to add your shipping address or want to update it, please email us at your complete shipping address and phone number so that we can send you the tracking information once the printed book is shipped.
We need the following details from you:
First Name, Last Name
House no:
Street address:
Zip Code:
If you have already missed any of those mails, please get in touch with our customer support team using Contact Us
Ans : Go to Q2 under the section “Download Related Help” and select the free bonus and enter the email ID that you used for ordering. The download link for Canine Cuisine will be emailed to you. Please add to your list of Contacts to ensure our email lands in your Inbox.
Ans : We are sorry for your inconvenience. You can refresh the screen for a few times or wait for a few minutes and try later. Sometimes a number of open programs may also hinder the customer from entering into our site. Close down some programs and try again.
Whilst we have made every effort to ensure that this website is error free, there will undoubtedly be occasions where an error has slipped through the net. If you wish to report any errors on this site, please send us a description of the error. We’ll correct them as quickly as possible.
Further, for download problem see answer of Q2.
Ans : It is very unlikely that you are asked to pay while downloading as we offer the download options only when your card has been charged successfully. To check whether we have received your order successfully, click here (the form above) to enter your email id and get your download link through your email.
If still your problem persists, go to Contact Us link and email us your concern.
Ans : Probably, this is due to the bandwidth problem. Our bandwidth is not infinite. At all times, there are roughly 250-500 file transfers going on simultaneously. If everyone downloads many files at the same time, you can well imagine that the average download speed per person would be worse. Download only one file at a time. Do not use download boosters such as Download Accelerator. If you’re still having troubles downloading our product, please contact us here .
For download link, click here.
Ans : This is very important to remember! Depending on how you ordered, the charge should appear as “” or “PayPal” on your credit card statement. If you have a question about a charge, contact our Customer Care Team.
If you have ordered through our Clickbank payment gateway, the charge will appear as CLKBANK*COM.
Ans : When you buy a product, the download instructions will be emailed to you. If you have paid by Paypal, sometimes there is a delay before we are notified of your payment.
Furnish your order details here and we will display you the download link
If you have any issue which has not been answered in the above Frequently Asked Questions system, please feel free to Contact Us by Submitting a Support Ticket. Please be patient and allow us up to 3 days to respond.